Our Appeals

Eye Clinics

Our eye clinic in (Kotli city) provides free eye care to the most vulnerable and needy and is open 6 days a week. The eye centre with professional staff screens patients and surgeries are carried out as required. the annual cost of running the eye care centre is in the region of £22,000

Eye Operations in partnership

Since 2009 Vision Again Foundation and Islamgarh Welfare Trust have been working successfully in partnership to provide eye care in particular cataract surgeries. The cost of each surgery is £50

Eye Camps

Since 2014 we have held free eye camps in rural areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir including Pakistan. Camps are held each year during February/March and  October/ November. With the support of our donors we are able to provide approximately 18 free eye camps a year with surgeries of 2000 plus. the cost of each surgery at these camps is £20 and a full camp can be sponsored for £1500

Reading Glasses Distribution

Children from the age of 5 upwards are provided with football kit and training by couches at the local sports centre in Islamgarh, Mirpur, Azad Jammu Kashmir. 

since 2017 we have distributed 6,101 free reading glasses. more recently we have partnered with Specsavers who provide us with spectacle frames which are utilised to support patients with distance prescriptions

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